Training schedule

Running group

 Monday  20.00 – 22.00  Sportpark De Hondsheuvels

Ton van Hoesel

 Wednesday  17.00 – 19.00  Sportpark De Hondsheuvels Ton van Hoesel,
Wichard de Benis
 Saturday *  10.30 – 12.30  Sportpark De Hondsheuvels No trainer

Technical group

 Monday  20.00 – 22.00   Sportpark De Hondsheuvels  Niek de Groot,
 Rik Hopmans
 Wednesday  17.00 – 19.00  Sportpark De Hondsheuvels  Niek de Groot,
 Rik Hopmans
 Saturday *  10.30 – 12.30  Sportpark De Hondsheuvels  No trainer

* be aware that this is not an official Asterix training. The track can be utilized during this time but Eindhoven Atletiek is also training. This means you should adhere to their track rules.

There are two different training groups: one for technical disciplines (throwing, jumping and sprinting) and one group for middle and long distance running; that is distances between 400m and a marathon. After a joint warm-up each group has their own specific training.
