Ton has been active in athletics sinds he was seven years old. In the past he was part of the best runners of the Netherlands. However, an injury forced him to become a trainer. He trained a lot of professional athletes like Sifan Hassan, Ruth van der Meijden and Marissa Damink, the last two having been Asterix members themselves! As of now, he has been a trainer for Asterix for over 15 years and he is able to keep a healthy and relaxed ambiance within the association. Ton is able to train the beginning runner, who likes to run a 5k, but besides that is also able to support professional athletes. His focus is to create a relaxed running posture, while also making sure that nobody overexerts themselves.
Niek is the trainer for technical events at Asterix. He is the owner of the company Tosport.
He is a real athletics guru: has been intensively involved in sports since the age of five and still enjoys sporting and giving trainings to this day. After his study in at the CIOS in Sittard he became sports manager in athletics. Besides that, he has worked as a coordinator in various successful sport events. He has been the coach of the national team for pole vault and high jump and has developed athletics courses, trainings and workshops.
12 years long he could be found at Papendal Sportcentrum where he was gathering knowledge and experience about everything to do with sport, specialising in giving trainings, sports psychology and sports management. He wants to help you perform better and get the best out of yourself.
Rik is the youngest trainer at Asterix and gives sprint training. During his student days he came into contact with athletics via Asterix. As a board member he was busy with the ins and outs of the club and he achieved great records during the sprinting events on the track. His best memories are of the countless relay races and his 4 participations in the Dutch Championships. After he graduated, Rik stayed with the club; he mastered javelin throwing and prepared himself to be an athletics trainer. With a club record in javelin throwing and an honorary membership of Asterix in his pocket, his trainer career at Asterix just got started. Rik knows Asterix well and is familiar with being a beginning athlete who quickly discovers the pleasure of athletics. He also knows how an athlete can develop in certain areas and what is required for this. From the pleasure for athletics and in the various disciplines, the (individual) performances come naturally!

Left to right: Rik, Ton, Wichard, Niek